On January 11th, I hosted a DNA Workshop in London, ON which was a fantastic success! There was a great turnout and I believe everyone managed to pick up some tips, tricks and techniques for managing their DNA matches. This will now allow them to better analyzing the information and plan how to use this technology to advance their genealogy by breaking down brick walls or proving (or disproving) family theories.
During the workshop, we reviewed some DNA basics and covered how to better use some of the tools available from the DNA testing companies. Additionally, I reviewed some 3rd party tools available online such as GEDmatch, DNA Painter and RootsFinder.
Congratulations to the two winners of the Ancestry DNA kit and the 6-month world subscription to Ancestry! I will be planning some similar workshops in the near future so keep an eye out for them here on my blog, Facebook or on Eventbrite.
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