DNA Testing Companies

Are you or a member or your family considering taking a DNA test? It may be a good idea to consider the pros and cons of each of the testing companies and what they have to offer. Below is a summary of each followed by a general DNA testing path recommendation that I can offer to help you get the most bang for your DNA buck!

Ancestry Logo

Ancestry currently offers the largest DNA database with over 20 million users. The standard saliva sample test is regularly offered for $129 + $19.99 for shipping. Sales are frequently available and can be as low as $69-$79 for a kit. Ancestry offers only autosomal DNA testing which tests for both paternal and maternal ancestry and cousin matches. You do not require a paid Ancestry account to have a DNA test completed and will have full access to your match information, contacting your matches and analysis tools such as ethnicity information. Thrulines is also included at no cost which is a process where Ancestry uses your DNA results along with family trees and record collections to estimate your connection to a DNA match. Colour coding and notes also make keeping track of your matches very manageable. One thing that is lacking from the Ancestry offering is chromosome mapping for those that may be a little more advanced in their DNA analysis.

Ancestry Website – www.ancestry.com

23andMe offers the second largest DNA database consisting of approximately 12.2 million users. Their DNA test is taken through a saliva sample and is regularly offered for $129 + $19.95 shipping. Their DNA tests are often available during sales for $89-$99. 23andMe has a heavy focus on the health aspects of DNA testing and therefore offers more reports and information based on that aspect and less than other testing companies in regards to genealogy. They do offer a DNA match list, contact between matches through a messaging system and also offers DNA analysis tools such as a chromosome browser.

23andMe Website – www.23andme.com

MyHeritage Logo

MyHeritage currently has a DNA database of approximately 5.6 million users. Their test is done through a cheek swab and is regularly offered for $119 + $11.99 for shipping. MyHeritage also offers frequent DNA sales as low as $59-$69. MyHeritage offers an autosomal DNA test giving you access to DNA cousin matches on both maternal and paternal lines. You will have access to contacting DNA matches through an online messaging system. MyHeritage also offers an ethnicity report as well as a tool called “Theory Of Family Relativity” which is very similar to Ancestry’s Thrulines in that it offers a suggested relationship path between you and a DNA match. A unique feature of MyHeritage DNA is that when reviewing your shared matches with a DNA match, you can see the relationship between your shared matches. This can help when confirming multiple DNA matches on a single line. MyHeritage also offers other DNA tools including a Chromosome Browser for seeing specific match data on each chromosome and Autoclusters for grouping your matches by ancestral lines.

MyHeritage Website – www.myheritage.com

FamilyTreeDNA currently has a database of approximately 1.4 million users. The FamilyTreeDNA test is done through a cheek swab sample and is regularly offered for $79 with free shipping. They offer occasional sales for as low as $59. FamilyTreeDNA is the only testing company offering the additional services of having your Y-DNA (paternal direct) and Mitochondrial (Maternal direct) lines as separately testing options for an additional cost. These can be invaluable tools when trying to prove or disprove specific DNA questions you may have about matches.

FamilyTreeDNA Website – www.familytreedna.com

Living DNA currently has a database of approximately 300,000 users. The Living DNA test is taken through a cheek swab and is available regularly for $129 + $14.95 for shipping but is sometimes available on sale for $109. They offer a DNA match list and contact with your matches through a messaging system. The DNA analysis tools are limited as they do not offer a chromosome browser.

Living DNA Website – www.livingdna.com


All of the above DNA testing companies offer the ability to download your raw DNA data to your computer for the purpose of storage but also for transfer to other testing companies’ websites. This process means that you do not have to test with every DNA testing company in order to have to take advantage of the various DNA databases and can therefore save on the additional cost. The following chart indicates where you can transfer your DNA currently.

Source: TheDNAGeek.com (https://thednageek.com/whats-new-in-autosomal-dna-transfers/) – March 2022

Geography of your ancestors should be a consideration when selecting a DNA testing company. For example, Ancestry tends to cater mostly to the North American market, where MyHeritage and Living DNA have a more European market focus. You may find that you may have more DNA matches with one service than another regardless of database size.


My recommendation would be to test with Ancestry as the primary DNA testing company due to the size of the database and the focus on genealogy that they offer. I also suggest this because it is one of the only 2 testing companies that you cannot upload your raw DNA data to from another testing company. From here, you download your Ancestry DNA and upload it to MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA, and LivingDNA, all for free. Additionally, you can upload your raw DNA file to GEDmatch (www.gedmatch.com) and Geneanet (en.geneanet.org) for additional matching pools and DNA analysis tools.

While I did mention above that uploading your DNA to the other testing companies is free, there are optional one-time fees should you wish to access advanced DNA tools. For example, the fee for MyHeritage is $39 and unlocks the ethnicity estimate, chromosome browser, and Autoclusters. Similarly, FamilyTreeDNA has a $19 one-time fee to unlock MyOrigins, Chromosome Painting, Chromosome Browser and ancientOrigins. I highly recommend these options as they unlock some powerful analysis tools that are critical for DNA match analysis. These fees are sometimes waived as promotional offers.

This then leaves 23andMe as the only DNA database your DNA is not in. If you wish to expand your DNA research or would like to take advantage of the health analytics they offer you could consider taking their DNA test for the additional cost.


As I mentioned above, GEDmatch (www.gedmatch.com) is as an optional website where you can upload your raw DNA. I want to emphasize the benefit of uploading to this website as it is essentially the “common denominator” of the rest of the sites and offers many DNA analysis tools and reports not available at any of the other testing company websites. The basic tools and reports can be accessed for free. There is a “Tier 1” paid membership available that offers advanced tools and reports to help with your research. The Tier 1 membership is $10/month but can be cancelled at any time. This gives you the chance to join for a short period of time to try it out and get the information you need and then cancel it.

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2 thoughts on “DNA Testing Companies”

  1. Good comments, Ben! Thanks for the summary. Could you include a date when you updated all this info? I assume that things change.

    Thanks again!

    1. Glad you liked it Donna. This post was uploaded on April 8th so it is current as of April 2022. I will try to make sure it remains current by making edits if needed.

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